UW-Madison Science Alliance Updater – August 30, 2021

UW-Madison Science Alliance Updater
30 August 2021  
Hi Everyone,
Last Tuesday August 24 on the UW Now livestream Chancellor Blank provided an update on the return to campus this fall.  While she didn’t specifically mention youth programming on campus, which has been suspended since mid-March 2020, she did report that campus will be as fully open as possible to visitors.  
The chancellor also made an insightful point of the power of communicating not only what policies are in place, but also why they are in place.  Here is my rendering of the transcript of her point (starting at timestamp 22:38):
“I heard from a number of parents…who said they had children at multiple schools and they really appreciated the level of communication that we were doing with people.  In a world of uncertainty when folks don’t quite know what’s happening next, you know telling people what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what you’re thinking about really matters, and I think we did pretty well last year.”
On August 26 those of us who do science outreach with young people got the happy news that single day in-person youth activities and programs can resume on Wednesday, September 8.  For me, it’ll be great to be able to welcome K12 field-trip groups and groups of 4-H youth and adult volunteers back to the Biotech Center.  
However, multi-day youth programs and overnights are not permitted at least through October 31. 
I think that exclusion is worth a conversation.  One of my children went to a week-long overnight camp near Sheboygan at the end of July, and both of my kids (ages 16 and 14) will be Madison public schools five days a week starting this Thursday.  I am left wondering how it is safe enough, as well as aligned with CDC guidelines and local public health rules, for my kids to go to overnight camp this summer and for my kids to go to school day after day this fall, yet it is not safe enough for their public land-grant university to welcome them in a likewise manner, even those between 12 and 18 years old who have qualified for covid vaccinations since May 10.  
Our next Science Alliance meeting is Monday September 13 at 10am CT in Room 1360 Genetics Biotech Center.  We will also have an option for participating online.  I’ll send an update on that option once it’s set up with the Biotech Center IT folks.
Thanks again, and have a great Labor Day next Monday!
Tom Zinnen
 Note: please visit https://science.wisc.edu/science-alliance/ for the Updater archive.
Coming Up
1.  During the fall, Science Alliance meets every at 10:00 am Mondays, including Monday September 13, in Room 1360 Genetics Biotech Center.  We will have an option for participating online. 
The draft agenda includes:
  • Welcome 
  • Updates
  • Delta variant and youth programming policies
  • Opportunities to partner (also, see Points 3 and 8 below)
  • Other announcements or topics
As with the #Updater, the meeting notes are also archived on https://science.wisc.edu/science-alliance/.   
2.  Check out the Results of The Wonders of Physics Video Contest  at https://youtu.be/4ap3T7y1UDM

3.  Opportunities to Share Your Science with Necedah’s “Cardinal After School” by Zoom on Tuesdays starting September 14.  4:00-4:30 for grades 3-5.  4:30 to 5:00 for middle school and high school.  It’s a good way to share existing activities, as well as to invite the students to help you prototype & hone new activities you’re developing.  Contact Liz Jesse (ejesse2@wisc.edu) or Tom Zinnen (zinnen@biotech.wisc.edu) for questions or suggestions.  Sign up at the spreadsheet here.
4.  CANCELLED:  Due to the rise in covid cases, LaborFest in Madison has been cancelled.   Thank you to the researchers & outreachers who had already volunteered to provide an Exploration Station on Monday afternoon September 6 at the Labor Temple on South Park Street.  We look forward to working with you next year to provide hands-on family-friendly Exploration Stations on the afternoon of Labor Day 2022.  
5.  “Badger Talks” In-Person Presentations Are Back!

Badger Talks is pleased to announce the opening of the in-person speaker request system! Thank you for your virtual requests over the past several months. We will continue to also offer this opportunity for Wisconsin businesses and organizations who prefer to host speakers virtually at their upcoming event. 

It is our goal to bring the University of Wisconsin – Madison to you to help spark ideas and conversations on topics important to your community. Whether you want to hear about the history of the Amish, improve communication in your workplace, or learn about the latest ground-breaking health care research, Badger Talks boasts a roster of 400 UW experts ready to give talks around Wisconsin.

The process is simple: explore our list of 
categories, or search for speakers/topics using keywords via the search bar; then submit an online talk request. Wisconsin businesses, clubs and organizations are welcome to request up to two talks per calendar year. Please contact us if you would like assistance with identifying a speaker who matches your organization’s interests.

Services are provided at little to no cost for organizations and businesses in Wisconsin in support of 
The Wisconsin Idea and as part of the UW Connects program housed in the Office of State Relations

Questions?  Feel free to connect with us at badgertalks@uwmad.wisc.edu

6.  Programming Events coming this week and soon:

7.  Upcoming Lineup for Wednesday Nite @ The Lab online by zoom starting at 7pm Central.  WN@TL runs every Wednesday night, 50 times a year.

Register at go.wisc.edu/240r59    Schedule and descriptions at https://science.wisc.edu/wednesday-nite-at-the-lab

September 1, “On the Trails of Malaria and of Covid” with Christina Carlson, Malaria Molecular Surveillance & Diagnostics Team, Centers for Disease Control
September 8, A special “Wednesday Nite @ The Lab” at the Discovery Building with Uwe Bergmann, Department of Physics, on “Making Movies of Molecules – The Emerging Science of Powerful X-ray Lasers
September 15, WN@TL returns to the Auditorium in the Biotech Center as IceCUBE Celebrates its 10th anniversary of the IceCUBE neutrino observatory at the South Pole.
8.  Invitation to Participate in Youth Programming at UW-Madison Division of Extension’s Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center in the Dells, forwarded by Carsyn Ames of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, also part of the Division of Extension.
Hi All,
See below for email from NRI (Natural Resources Institute) Director Tricia Gorby about opportunities at Upham Woods. Tricia (tricia.gorby@wisc.edu) can likely answer any questions you have, or you can put them in the 
google sheet (linked in email).
Carsyn Ames (she/her)
Samples Coordinator
Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey
3817 Mineral Point Road  Madison, WI 53705
(608) 800-6734  

Good afternoon all!
As we head into this challenging year for programming and staffing, I wanted to reach out to you about an opportunity to help support Upham Woods if at all possible.  This is just to inquire about interest right now.  
Strictly voluntary, we are asking if any of our NRI affiliated staff/faculty would be willing to join our Upham educators for a half a day/day in support of hosting a school group (or one of our youth conservation days) at Upham and offer to lead a smaller group(s). Bird/wildlife walk, tree/plant walk, water sampling, invasive species (terrestrial or aquatic), insects, local geology hike, etc.  There will be teachers with the groups and we are serving the role as the program educators. I would not expect you (your colleagues/staff) to create something new, but if there is a program ready that would be suitable for an outdoor school group, we would love help! We can offer housing overnight for folks if needed in our dorms and you will have a chance to spend time becoming acquainted with our new welcome center (bonus!). Perhaps this is a new audience you could add to your program portfolio this year?  I realize that you and your staff are all are incredibly busy with your programs, so no pressure to participate though!  We will help match school intended learning objectives with what we can offer of course.
Here are some of the initial dates (rough group sizes). We may be adding a few more, as Jennifer received a flurry of interest recently.
9/15 (90)
9/16 (34)
9/17 (34)
9/29 (120)
9/30 (34)
10/6 (120)
10/7 (150)
10/8 (150)
10/12 (98) – Youth Conservation Day (tentative date)
10/14 (35)
10/15 (35)
Please let us know if you have interest or know of others who may be well-suited to assist this fall. I have create
a Google Sheet with dates and spaces for you to add names, topics/program focus, and questions. My hope is that this also offers the opportunity for us all to learn more about Upham Woods and the site and to create opportunities for collaborative programming, outreach events, meetings, and classes, etc.!
Tricia A. Gorby, PhD
Director, Natural Resources Institute
Division of Extension at UW-Madison
432 N Lake St
Madison, WI 53706
Email: tricia.gorby@wisc.edu
Phone: 608-890-1371
9.  Events from the Wisconsin Energy Institute

For General Public:   

Power from Plants: How Bioenergy Benefits the World
Bioenergy done right can be a climate-friendly way to power the world. Scientists at the Department of Energy-funded Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center are finding ways to develop clean energy systems that benefit society and the environment, from diverse ecosystems to healthy waterways, soil, and air. Join us on Tuesday, September 21, at 6pm Central Time to hear from the researchers who are making bioenergy’s promises a reality. Register for the event!
Infrastructure, Transportation and Justice
The way we get from place to place touches every aspect of our lives, from the burdens of commuting to the access we have to basic services like health care and food. And it’s inextricably linked to the climate crisis, as transportation makes up more than a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Join us virtually on Tuesday, September 28th from 4:30–6:00 p.m. to learn about initiatives in Wisconsin and around the world that are focused on making transportation equitable, clean, and safe. REGISTER HERE
For Educators:
KidWind Educator Workshops
The Wisconsin Energy Institute and Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program are excited to bring the KidWind Educator Workshop to formal and non-formal educators in communities
across Wisconsin. Join us at one of the scheduled workshops and learn how to
explore the power of wind and solar with your students! You’ll take home a kit of ready-to-use materials and curriculum.
Thursday, October 21st, 8 am – 11 am, Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, WI
KidWind Coaches’ Happy Hours
Preparing for the 2022 KidWind Challenge or looking to learn more? Join us for a happy hour to chat with other coaches and share ideas. KidWind advisors and organizers will be on hand to answer your questions – from engineering and design tips and tricks, to FAQ about the registration process and what to expect on Challenge Day. Come for the whole hour or just a portion and BYO beverage of choice.

November 18, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Central.  
January 13, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Central. 

Climate Action Simulation Game for Educators
November 4th, 4:00 – 5:30 pm Central
As global leaders gather in Glasgow to reinvigorate their climate pledges during the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, you too can get a taste of the policy and diplomacy decisions involved in limiting global warming to no more than 1.5° C. Join us on November 4th for a highly interactive, role-playing game. You will negotiate a climate deal to address one of the greatest human and environmental challenges of this century, and you’ll walk away with the resources to bring this experience back to your own classroom.
For more information:
Allison Bender 
Outreach Coordinator
Wisconsin Energy Institute | Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
1552 University Ave, Madison WI, Room 2160
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Pronouns: she, her, hers

10.  Come and Observe the Cosmos with Edgewood’s Astronomy Outreach Team at Ernest Hüpeden’s Painted Forest in Valton, WI. We will have guest speakers, activities for kids, and observe the night sky through the 20” Dobsonian Telescope. (Observing will be weather permitting.) To keep up to date with any changes due to weather conditions, and get reminders for the star parties, visit and like our Facebook Page @edgewoodastro  
Star Party Dates: Talks start @ 7PM, come earlier for family activities
Saturday, September 18, 2021 
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Link to  a map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Painted+Forest/@43.5740255,-90.2738505,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x10782e9febe78b0c!8m2!3d43.5740255!4d-90.2738505
Note that you should turn left at the Painted Forest building (looks like a little white church) and proceed up the hill. The telescope will be on the right at the top of the hill.
Edgewood College follows State of Wisconsin current recommendations regarding masking and social distancing in response to COVID-19.
11.  Schedule of Events for Madison FUN Partners