Science Alliance

UW-Madison Science Alliance Logo

Join Us! Anyone can join UW-Madison Science Alliance: university or college scientists and students, outreach staff, K-12 educators, parents, lifelong learners, and anyone interested in science outreach. We welcome your participation, ideas, and support for events.

The UW-Madison Science Alliance meets Mondays at 10:00 am by Zoom and in person (the first Monday of the month) at the Wisconsin Energy Institute, Room 1120, first floor (1552 University Avenue).

The Zoom link for the 2024/2025 meetings of Science Alliance will continue to be:


Can’t make it to a meeting? No problem! Click the image below for meeting notes.

Add Yourself to Our Email List. Receive weekly email updates about events, including statewide events, and subcommittee meetings by sending an email to To unsubscribe, send an email to No text or message is required in the email.

Experience Science as Exploring the Unknown. One of our most popular events is Science Expeditions, an annual spring event held all over the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, to welcome individuals of all ages to experience science as discovery.

Family Science Events. Are you planning a School or Community Family Science Event and need presenters? Contact Audrey Gasch for more information!

Promoting Public Science Events on Campus. Have any public science events coming up? Be sure to enter them on the UW-Madison Events Calendar and tag your event with the “science” key word.

The Wisconsin Idea — Charles Van Hise, 1905