- Welcome
- Updates
- Setting the schedule of summer meetings
- Other announcements or topics
- The UW Now Livestream. June 15 at 7 pm. — Cybersecurity and Ransomware. Featuring Ramesh Gupta, senior vice president and general manager of network security product development at FireEye, Inc.; and Somesh Jha, Lubar Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences
- Badger Talks Live: – https://www.facebook.com/UWConnects/live & https://badgertalks.wisc.edu/events/ Tuesday, June 15, Noon.
“The Center for Dairy Profitability” with Mark Stephenson, Director; and Jenny Vanderlin, Associate Director
- In Person Saturday Science Workshop at UW Space Place, 2300 S. Park St, in the lower level of the Villager. Most Saturdays at 10:00am. Check at http://www.spaceplace.wisc.edu/#satworkshops.
- Check for other events presented online and available to all at http://today.wisc.edu/events/tag/science
4. Upcoming Lineup for Wednesday Nite @ The Lab online by zoom starting at 7pm Central.
Register at go.wisc.edu/240r59 Schedule and descriptions at https://science.wisc.edu/wednesday-nite-at-the-lab
5. Come and observe the cosmos with Edgewood’s Astronomy Outreach Team at Ernest Hüpeden’s Painted Forest in Valton, WI. We will have guest speakers, activities for kids, and observe the night sky through the 20” Dobsonian Telescope. (Observing will be weather permitting.) To keep up to date with any changes due to weather conditions, and get reminders for the star parties, visit and like our Facebook Page @edgewoodastro
Star Party Dates: Talks start @ 7PM, come earlier for family activities
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Link to a map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Painted+Forest/@43.5740255,-90.2738505,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x10782e9febe78b0c!8m2!3d43.5740255!4d-90.2738505
Note that you should turn left at the Painted Forest building (looks like a little white church) and proceed up the hill. The telescope will be on the right at the top of the hill.Edgewood College follows State of Wisconsin current recommendations regarding masking and social distancing in response to COVID-19.
After 37 years of physics presentations to the public, The University of Wisconsin – Madison is this year sponsoring a physics video competition for teachers and students.
We invite you to submit a 2-minute video demonstrating a physics concept. Awards will be given for the best videos, and winners will be posted on our website and edited into a longer video to be shown on public television.
We encourage submissions from students and teams, but for legal reasons, anyone under the age of 18 must work under the supervision of a parent, guardian, or teacher who will submit the video on their behalf. This could be a fun educational project for families or for physics classes during this period of social distancing.
The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2021. You can find more information at https://wonders.physics.wisc.edu/contest/.
Tune in to the following University Place program premiering on the Wisconsin Channel in June:
6/21 at 9:00 p.m. “Vaccines For COVID-19” with Mary Hayney, School of Pharmacy, UW-Madison
University Place programs may also be viewed on or before the broadcast date at pbswisconsin.org/uplace .
Aerospace Jam is a competition for high school students across Wisconsin to use drones on a NASA-inspired simulated moon mission. The program is a partnership between the NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium and the Milwaukee Bucks. Our goal is to recruit students from diverse backgrounds and cultivate a welcoming and inclusive event that will foster meaningful interactions among teammates and teams. See the flyer attached for more information.
Greetings Everyone,I will be taking on an Interim Dean role next year and am looking for a half-time person to hold down the fort in Outreach. I have two Program coordinators that will keep the major programs up and running but are looking for someone to oversee things and keep us afloat. There is also a half-time teaching opening that someone could couple with this if they want full-time and are qualified. We are in a hurry to get this position filled as I start July 1 and we would like some transition time. If you know of anyone (Ph.D preferred but MS is OK) please direct them to our page and to get materials in ASAP.
They can also just contact me if they want more info about the position.
Amy Schiebel
Associate Professor in the Natural Sciences and Science Outreach Director
11. Share Your Science at Juneteenth on Saturday June 19 from Noon to 4 PM at Penn Park
Hello Everyone,
I was contacted by the organizing board for the Madison Juneteenth Celebration to see if there are any UW science outreach groups that can present at this big event.
The ask is for Saturday, June 19 from 12pm – 4pm (it can be even shorter, to 3pm) to have a hands-on station at Penn Park under the TEAM Tent.
Please let me know if you and your team can participate. I would also be grateful if you can reach out to other colleagues or send me your suggestions so I can reach out an invite them.
Ana Garic