Mysteries of Glacial Slip

For January 23, 2019        
Hi WN@TL Fans,
Ice is civilization, as Paul Theroux  oted, but glaciers are the sculptors of the face of the Earth.  An advancing glacier is not just a tongue or a lobe; it is a chisel to rock and a gouge upon the land.  Glacial ice flows—sometimes until it forms ice floes—and mountains are but grist and scree.
When the climate warms and the glaciers retrea, the land remembers in scars and eskers, in hanging valleys and in kettle moraines, in pothole ponds and in great lakes.  A glacier leaves behind till and erratics, prairies and drumlins.
A receding glacier is not unlike a receding hairline, and the bumpy surface left behind invites a geological phrenology.  
This week (January 23)  Professor Luke Zoet of Geosciences will speak to us of “The Mysteries of Glacial Slip and Landform Development.”   Here’s how Luke describes his talk:
Glaciers flow downhill like slow motion rivers but unlike a river a glacier “slips” at its base. Glacier slip accounts for most of the motion of fast-moving glaciers and is the root cause for the construction of many of the landforms that glaciers leave behind once they melt. 
We can study modern-day glaciers as well as landforms left behind to help understand how the slipping process occurs. I will show results from the various project in Canada, Switzerland, and Wisconsin where we have studied glacial landforms to better understand glacial slip.
About the Speaker:
Luke Zoet studied geology at Michigan State and received his MS and PhD in geophysics from Penn State.  He did a post-doc at Iowa State and in 2015 he joined the Department of Geoscience faculty at UW-Madison. 
More about his research:
Glaciers go way back in Wisconsin.  So do glaciologists. UW President Thomas Chamberlin was one;  so was Fredrik T. Thwaites for whom the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica is named.  Glaciers helped form Wisconsin, and the people who study them helped transform the university.
 Next week (January 30Robert Lemanske of the School of Medicine and Public Health help us grapple with the origins and treatments of asthma in children.   
Hope to see you soon at Wednesday Nite @ The Lab.
Tom Zinnen
Biotechnology Center & Cooperative Extension