WN@tL: “Fate of Aquatic Pesticides Used for Invasive Species Control in Lakes and Rivers”

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UW Biotechnology Center, 425 Henry Mall, room 1111 (auditorium)
@ 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
WNTtL Schedule

Speaker:Christy Remucal, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Description: Pesticides are commonly used to control invasive species, such as Eurasian watermilfoil and the sea lamprey, in lakes and rivers in Wisconsin. It is important to understand how long these chemicals last in surface waters to limit impacts on non-target organisms. This presentation will explore the processes that influence the lifetime of several commonly used aquatic pesticides by relating laboratory experiments with field measurements. In addition to providing better understanding of the fate of these specific chemicals, this research provides insight into the behavior of other related organic chemicals in our surface waters.

Bio: Associate Professor Christy Remucal leads the Aquatic Chemistry group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is the Director of the Water Science and Engineering Laboratory. She is a faculty member in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, the Environmental Chemistry & Technology Program, and the Limnology & Marine Science Program. She holds an MS (2004) and a PhD (2009) in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BS (2003) in Environmental Engineering Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before joining the UW-Madison faculty, Christy completed a post-doc in the Institute for Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

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