Beyond the Tailpipe: The Key to Driving Green; Outlooks for Nuclear Energy; The Total Eclipse of the Sun Coming Up on April 8

For Wednesday,  June 14, 2023

Hi WN@TL Fans,

I apologize for the delay in sending out the WN@TL missive, but happily I just received the good news a few moments ago that the embargo will lift on June 29 on the paper that Jason Vandenbroucke’s team at Wisconsin IceCube will be publishing soon, and therefore he’ll have some astrophysical fireworks to share with you the week of Independence Day.

In the meantime, we have other types of fireworks to consider, including those of the internal combustion engine (also sometimes abbreviated ICE—more of an IceCylinder than an IceCube) tonight, and the energy of nuclear fission next week, and a talk on July 28 on the dazzling show of a nuclear fusion-fueled solar corona during the total eclipse of the Sun coming up on April 8, 2024.

Thanks again!



On June 14 Kelley Senecal of Engineering Interdisciplinary Professional Programs will speak on “Beyond the Tailpipe: The Key to Driving Green.”

Description: We are living through a monumental shift in the transportation industry. New regulations and advances in technology are driving us toward an increasingly automated, electrified future. But are we on the right road? Or is there a better way?

Bio: Dr. Kelly Senecal is a co-founder and owner of Convergent Science and one of the original developers of CONVERGE, an industry-leading computational fluid dynamics software. He is a visiting professor at the University of Oxford, an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a co-founder and director of the Computational Chemistry Consortium (C3). Dr. Senecal is a Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is a member of the executive committee of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, a member of the board of advisors for the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, and the 2019 recipient of the ASME ICE Award.

Dr. Senecal has long been an advocate of creating cleaner propulsion systems, with a particular focus on using CFD and HPC to enable faster design. Starting with his TEDx talk in late 2016, he has promoted a diverse mix of transportation technologies through invited talks, articles, and social media. Dr. Senecal is co-author of the new book Racing Toward Zero: The Untold Story of Driving Green, winner of the 2022 Independent Press Award for Environment.

More to Explore:


On June 21 Grace Stanke, UW-Madison nuclear engineering student and Miss America 2023, will speak at a special Wednesday Nite @ The Lab to be held in conjunction with the Summer Academy of the Positive Youth Development Institute (including Wisconsin 4-H) of UW-Madison’s Division of Extension.  She’ll talk about her outlook for nuclear engineering to meet our future energy & environmental needs.

To accommodate the larger crowd, we’ll meet across the street in Room 1125 Biochemistry, 425 Henry Mall 

Accessibility Note: If you come in the front door on Henry Mall, there’s a lot of steps to climb.  But if you come in the back door at the southwest corner of the building, that door enters on the ground floor, and you can stroll or roll step-free to the elevator and up to the first floor.


On June 28 Jim Lattis of the Department of Astronomy and director of the UW Space Place will be here to help us prognosticate and plan for the Total Eclipse of the Sun coming up on April 8, 2024 and viewable from the Midwest, skies willing.

Bio:  Jim Lattis is a historian of astronomy and director of UW Space Place at 2300 S. Park Street, Madison.  His areas of interest include the history of astronomy and cosmology, specializing in the medieval and early modern periods, the age of Galileo, and astronomy in Italy & in Wisconsin.  He provides opportunities for observational astronomy in educational and recreational settings, including hobby astronomy, public and park programs, as well as astronomy education for schools from elementary to undergraduate levels, in-service teacher training and public outreach programs, including at the Washburn Observatory on campus.

 More to Explore: