UW-Madison Science Alliance Updater – April 4, 2022

UW-Madison Science Alliance Updater
For 4 April 2022
Hi Everyone,
#UWScienceExpeditions is this week!  Thanks to all of you who continue to extend invitations to your friends, neighbors & family to come explore science & connect with scientists at UW-Madison April 8-10.
During our #3DaysToAmaze, visitors can experience science at over two dozen venues, at 60+ Exploration Stations, at three Science Spectaculars, and at events online.
The Timetables & Maps and the Exhibit Guide are available at science.wisc.edu/science-expeditions to help people chart out their venture to the 8th largest research university by R&D budget in the nation.
During the next few days you’ll be seeing UW Science Expeditions ads in print and on line.  I hope you’ll catch our radio spots on Wisconsin Public Radio, the coverage on WORT Radio Thursday evening on the Perpetual Notion Machine show, and the coverage on WISC-TV on Friday morning.
But the most effective promotion comes from all of us.   So whether you use email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or old-school word-of-mouth, thank you for helping to invite people to the 20th Annual UW Science Expeditions campus open house.
Tom Zinnen
===Coming Up This Week and This Month1.  During the spring semester, Science Alliance meets at 10:00 am Mondays, including today, Monday April 4.Please Note:  We will be meeting by Zoom on April 4 and for the coming few weeks.
The Zoom link for the spring meetings of Science Alliance will continue to be: https://zoom.us/my/glbrc.weieducation.vmr?pwd=L2Q0L0g0S3lEd2gyazNscjA1d2JYZz09
The draft agenda for April 4 at 10am includes:•  Welcome•  Updates
•  Science Expeditions 2022 Planning
Presenters in Person
Virtual/Hybrid Options
•  Other Business
   Wisconsin 4-H & Community Youth Development STEM Day at UW-Madison moved from Thursday June 23 to Wednesday June 22
•  Next Meeting:  April 11 at 10:00 am.
As with the #Updater, the meeting notes are also archived on https://science.wisc.edu/science-alliance/.  

2. Recurring Programming Events coming this week and soon.
•  UW Science Expeditions April 8-10.   Thanks to everyone who has registered to present during the 20th Annual UW-Madison Science Expeditions on April 8-10.  Thank you also for continuing to promote your event as well as the entire UW Science Expeditions to your networks of friends, family & associates.  I’m grateful for your help in sharing the invitation to include Science Expeditions in their plans for this weekend. 

•  Weekly Reminder: Please Post your science outreach events and Check for Other Science Events presented online and available to all at http://today.wisc.edu/events/tag/science

Tuesday, April 5, noon, “Supply Chain Disruptions During Pandemic Times” with Jake Dean,  Director, Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management, and Greg DeCroix, Professor and Academic Director, Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management
•  Saturday Science Workshops at UW Space Place.  Every Saturday at 10am at UW Space Place, in the lower level of The Atrium at The Village on Park, 2300 S. Park Street, Madison, WI
 •  Wednesday Nite @ The Lab Public Science Series every Wednesday night, 50 times a year, at 7pm CT by zoom (go.wisc.edu/240r59) or in person in Room 1111 Genetics Biotech Center, 425 Henry Mall, Madison WI.    This week Audrey Girard of Food Science speaks on “Modifying the Roles of Proteins in Foods Using Plant Extracts.”
 • Special Friday Night Edition of Wednesday Nite @ The Lab Public Science Series on April 8 as part of UW Science Expeditions at 7pm the Wisconsin Historical Society Auditorium on Library Mall across the street from Memorial Union. Tamara Thomsen, Caitlin Zant, Amy Rosebrough, and James Skibo share the sagas of the discovery, recovery, and curation of the 1,200-yr-old dugout canoe from Lake Mendota.
•  “PLATO Frontiers in Life Sciences” every Wednesday through April 27 at 1pm at UW Space Place in the Lower Level of The Atrium of The Village on Park, 2300 S. Park Street.   In person, or Zoom at go.wisc.edu/27448v
April 6:  “The Future of the Allen Centennial Garden” with Reba Luiken, Director of the Garden
April 13:  “100 Years of Insulin” with Dave Nelson, Wisconsin Science Museum
3.  Outreach Job Opening with Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center
Events and Outreach Coordinator Position description at

Job Summary: The WIPAC Events and Outreach Coordinator is responsible for local, regional, national and international event planning and support, including activities that raise awareness of the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC) and those that promote physical sciences to the general public.
Thank you,
Ellen Bechtol
Outreach Specialist

Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center

4. Family Science Nights:  Sign Up Here to Volunteer — https://tinyurl.com/UW-FamilyScienceSignup

This spring we have a number of schools and community centers are scheduling virtual and in-person Family Science Nights (FSN) this semester.
Many of the currently scheduled events are later in the semester.  We recognize that we will all have to be flexible in this uncertain time.  We will follow the rules of each school or community center, some of which require proof of volunteer vaccination.  See signup form for details.
As always, you can sign up for one or more event on our signup form. 
Several other events will be added shortly, so please check back on the form over time.
I’m happy to answer questions or guide people in choosing activities to present. 
Thanks for your past participation.  Stay safe everyone,

Audrey Gasch

Dept of Genetics
5. Two New Outreach Programs from the Department of Physics:  “TeachQuantum” and “QuanTime”

a.  TeachQuantum, a professional development opportunity for high school teachers, is coming to UW-Madison! The Department of Physics is excited to start accepting applications for our first cohort of TeachQuantum teachers. Applications are due this Friday, April 8, 2022. Please share this information far and wide with your high school teacher connections! Questions about the program or applying can be directed to mallory.conlon@wisc.edu.

b.  Interested in adding quantum science to your curricula but not sure where to begin? Participate in QuanTime— a program designed to offer teachers free classroom activities that they can do without any pre-requisite quantum knowledge. QuanTime is scheduled to coincide with World Quantum Day on April 14, 2022, and we hope to have thousands of students doing something quantum throughout April and May. Activities are available for grades 6-12, though they can be adapted for older and younger groups. Please register if you are interested and share amongst your middle and high school connections!

Mallory Conlon

Quantum Science Outreach Program Coordinator

UW-Madison Department of Physics

6.  STEM Day at UW-Madison for Wisconsin 4-H & Community Youth Development Shifted from June 23 to June 22.
Wednesday June 22 is a new opportunity for UW-Madison outreachers to share their science with youth in 7th through 10th grades from across Wisconsin.  The day is in early stages of planning, but likely will run from around 9 to 4:30.  We anticipate 100 to 150 participants.  We’re looking for colleagues who can provide engaging, hands-on sessions of 50 minutes that could start on the hour between 10am and 3pm (the last session ending at 3:50pm).
We’d like to invite colleagues from the full range of STEM disciplines & allied fields to participate. If you’ve an inkling of interest, please share that happy news with Liz Jesse (ejesse2@wisc.edu) or Tom Zinnen (zinnen@biotech.wisc.edu).  We’d be happy to respond to questions and suggestions and to keep interested folks updated as the plans develop.
7.  “Illuminating Connections:  Resilience & Collaborations” April 7, 3-6pm, Discovery Building
Register at go.wisc.edu/IC2022
Illuminating Connections: Resilience and Collaborations: https://wid.wisc.edu/illuminating-connections-2022/ 

WHEN: Thursday, April 7, 2022 | 3-6pm
WHERE: Discovery Building, UW–Madison
As we emerge from the darkest season of the year, Illuminating Connections highlights the bridges being built across campus by the Hubs at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, the groundbreaking science happening at UW–Madison, and the future of interdisciplinary inquiry. Participants will discuss their research, projects, and other creative work in an expo- style poster session. Projects fall into categories ranging from data science, complex systems, precision medicine, emerging technologies.

Hi Madison FUN/Friends of Urban Nature Group Contacts and Volunteers –
Thank you for helping create this free family friendly Earth Week Celebration of Nature hosted by our nature groups.  Over 650 people came last year even with covid restrictions.  We expect about a thousand people this year with lots of families and kids excited about nature.  A flyer is attached.  Open Door Bird Sanctuary will be returning as the feature presentation along with hayrides, music, food carts, and your nature group table exhibits and kids activities.
We look forward to having many of you back again and some new groups participating!  Help create a special day celebrating the nature we love!  We provide tables and chairs for your group.  Tables will be outdoors in the Warner Park Rainbow Shelter patio area.   We do the event rain or shine.  Some covered areas may be available, bring a canopy if you have one.
We can provide materials for some activities if you are willing to host them at or near your group table, such as kids chalk nature art, kite flying, face painting.  We would like to have a lot of Learn To activities such as Learn to ID birds, bees, native plants, trees, how to make a rain garden, how to be a citizen scientist, how to use iNaturalist, help monitor birds, frogs, water, and so forth.  These can be table exhibits, short nature walks on request, or whatever you have ready to go.
PLEASE LETPlease Let  PAUL NOELDNER Know Who Will Be Coming from Your Group, and Send Their Contact Info to Paul.
He will follow up with more detail.
9. Remake Learning Days Launches in Wisconsin on Earth Day April 22
This year there is a new (free, nonprofit) opportunity to showcase and promote the great work we do in hands-on education and celebrate Earth Day (and every day!)   

“Remake Learning Days” is billed nationally as ‘the world’s largest open house for hands on learning!” 
Wisconsin’s festival is scheduled to launch EARTH DAY April 22 thru 30th, with a series of hands-on programs at locations and organizations throughout the region.  Designed similarly to WI Science Fest, Remake Learning Days WI showcases and promotes organizations and family-friendly programs to youth, families and community leaders throughout Wisconsin.
Check it out! https://www.wethinkbig.org/programs/remake-learning-days/  or  www.remakelearningdays.org/badgerland
It’s free to list your programs and join the dozens of other organizations promoting Outdoor and Hands-on Learning.
WKOW-TV is our key media sponsor and will be running promotions up to Earth Day.   
Kathe Crowley Conn
We Think Big, Inc
10. Share Your Science with Necedah’s “Cardinal After School” by Zoom on Tuesdays throughout the coming spring semester.  This spring choose a Tuesday to share your science by zoom from 4:00-4:30pm for grades for middle school and high school; 4:30 to 5:00 for grades 3-5.  It’s a good way to share existing activities, as well as to invite the students to help you prototype & hone new activities you’re developing.  Contact Liz Jesse (ejesse2@wisc.edu) for questions or suggestions.  Sign up at the spreadsheet here.
11.  UW Arboretum Spring EventsSaturday work parties, Sunday walks, and night walksSaturday restoration work parties, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.: https://arboretum.wisc.edu/get-involved/volunteer/work-parties/See the full list of Sunday walks (nature hikes, family walks, and garden strolls), plus monthly night walks, on the Arboretum events calendar:https://arboretum.wisc.edu/visit/events/
UW Arboretum Spring Events, from Susan Day 

See Arboretum events calendar for information and registration: https://arboretum.wisc.edu/visit/events/
– Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Core Area and Curtis Prairie
 Sunday, April 10, 12:30–4 p.m. Family Nature Program: Explore Science Outdoors (Part of UW Science Expeditions)
– Tuesday, April 12, 9:45–11:15 a.m. Family Class: Learning Together—Springtime Awakenings
– Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Grady Tract
– Saturday, April 16, 7–8:30 p.m. Night Walk: Sky Dance
– Sunday, April 17, 1–2:30 p.m. Nature Hike
– Saturday, April 23, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Core Area and Curtis Prairie
– Saturday, April 23, 1–3 p.m. Garden Tour: Magnolias
– Sunday, April 24, 1–2 p.m. Garden Stroll
– Saturday, April 30, 1–3 p.m. Garden Tour: Early Signs of Spring
– Saturday, April 30, 1–3 p.m. Class: Introduction to Wisconsin Geology
– Sunday, May 1, 1–2:30 p.m. Nature Hike
– Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Wingra Oak Savanna
– Saturday, May 7, 1–3 p.m. Garden Tour: Lilacs
– Saturday, May 7, 1–3 p.m. Class: Bluebirds and the Arboretum Trail
– Sunday, May 8, 1–3 p.m. Family Nature Program: What’s in the Woods?
– Tuesday, May 10, 9:45–11:15 a.m. Family Class: Learning Together—Flowers in the Garden
– Saturday, May 14, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Wingra Oak Savanna
– Saturday, May 14, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Friends of the Arboretum Native Plant Sale
– Saturday, May 14, 1–3 p.m. Garden Tour: Crabapples
– Sunday, May 15, 1–2:30 p.m. Nature Hike
– Sunday, May 15, 8–11 p.m. Full Moon Night Walk and Lunar Eclipse Watch Party
– Saturday, May 21, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Grady Tract
– Sunday, May 22, 1–2 p.m. Garden Stroll
– Saturday, May 28, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Core Area and Curtis Prairie

– Sunday, May 29, 1–2:30 p.m. Nature Hike

12. Events from Madison Friends of Urban Nature
 More from Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature