UW-Madison Science Alliance #Updater
For 10 January 2022
Hi Everyone,
Because of the surge in omicron, the annual Wonders of Physics shows originally scheduled for February 12, 13, 19 and 20, and the annual Physics Fair open house originally scheduled for February 12, have been rescheduled for Saturday April 9 (Wonders of Physics and the Physics Fair) and Sunday April 10 (Wonders of Physics) to coincide with the UW Science Expeditions campus open house that weekend (April 8-10).
These two Physics events are part of a constellation of historic commitments by the Physics Department to public outreach. The Polaris in that constellation is the
development of radio broadcasting of music and then of the human voice by the department
starting in 1916 that led to the establishment of Wisconsin Public Radio. WPR is home to the
oldest public radio station in the nation, so it was apt four years ago that Prof Clint Sprott celebrated the
35th anniversary of the annual Wonders of Physics with a show that featured a commemoration of the centennial of WPR.
The Department of Physics launched another pioneering innovation in 1918 with the opening of the
Ingersoll Physics Museum. Notably, Professor Ingersoll designed the museum for both UW students and visitors to campus. To this day it’s a point of pride for me as a UW alum, and I also hope for many of us in science outreach, that UW’s physics museum was one of the earliest, if not the earliest, U.S.
science museum featuring hands-on (rather than eyes-only) exhibits.
Here at the start of our third year of the most deadly pandemic in the nation since 1918, we stand in gratitude to our physics colleagues who over the years, over the decades, and now for over a century, have transformed not only how the University of Wisconsin-Madison connects with the public, and but also how humans communicate instantly all around the world.
Whether it be in person, or on the stage, or over the air, it is a great gift for all of us to be able to share, to engage, and to listen to each other, from near or far.
Tom Zinnen
Coming Up This Week and This Month
1. During the spring semester, Science Alliance meets at 10:00 am Mondays, including today, Monday January 10.
Please Note: We will be meeting by Zoom only on January 10 and for the coming few weeks. We will not be meeting in person at the Wisconsin Energy Institute for the time being.
• Science Expeditions 2022 Planning
Subcommittee Set-up: Please contribute your talents to your preferred Science Expeditions 2022 Planning Subcommittees. Sign up
• Next Meeting: January 24 at 10:00 am. We will not be meeting next week (January 17), in observance of the Martin Luther King Holiday. We will be meeting weekly from January 24 onward.
As with the #Updater, the meeting notes are also archived on
2. Recurring Programming Events coming this week and soon.• Remember to
Post your science outreach events and to
Check for other events presented online and available to all at
http://today.wisc.edu/events/tag/science• “Astronomical Events for 2022” by Jim Lattis, Director of UW Space Place, Tuesday January 11 from 7pm to 8pm CT. Find out what special events you should be looking for in the sky during the upcoming year.
Space Place guest presentations are always free and open to the public, and are offered the 2nd Tuesday of the month. This program will be offered only in person. Masks are required. Come to UW Space Place in the the lower level of The Atrium at The Village on Park, 2300 S. Park Street, Madison, WI.
• Saturday Science at Discovery: Engaging with Nature Through Aldo Leopold’s Legacy online on Saturday January 22, 9am to 10am. Register here to take a virtual field trip to the Aldo Leopold Nature Center to learn from naturalists how to use science to explore the world around you. We’ll investigate what plant and animal life is like in the Wisconsin winter. Plus, learn about Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and more. After the virtual experience, explore more online in the January Saturday Science Portal (coming soon) and explore outside to investigate life in winter all around you. The virtual field trip will be held on Zoom. Information on how to join the session will be sent the day before the event to everyone who registers.
• Wednesday Nite @ The Lab Public Science Series every Wednesday night, 50 times a year, at 7pm CT by zoom (
go.wisc.edu/240r59) or in person in Room 1111 Genetics Biotech Center, 425 Henry Mall, Madison WI. WN@TL delves into a new fuel for making electricity as John Berry of Chemistry speaks on “Nitrogen & Ammonia: From the Industrial Revolution to a Future Nitrogen Economy.”
Ammonia could become a replacement for fossil fuels in generating electricity. See the
madison.com story
here and the video
*UW Science Expeditions April 8-10. I hope you’ll join us again this year for the 20th Annual UW-Madison Science Expeditions on April 8-10. Please mark your calendars, and consider presenting an Exploration Station on your research or outreach, or hosting an Open House or Tour at your facility, or organizing a public presentation. You’ll be able to find out more in the coming weeks at
If you’d like to contribute your talents as part of a Science Expeditions 2022 Planning Subcommittee, please sign up
here. 🎉
3. Job Openings in Outreach at UW-Madison
Please share with your network and colleagues.
At MRSEC, the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center
At Allen Centennial Garden: Allen Centennial Garden is looking for a new permanent staff member who will coordinate educational, outreach, and profit-generating programs at the Garden and assist with their development. These will include new and existing educational events for students and the broader campus community, garden tours, festivals, private events, weddings, and more. Applications are being accepted through the end of January.
4. Explore Pharmacy Careers at UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
The Doctor of Pharmacy program is hosting several events that will help attendees learn more about pharmacy careers and the renowned PharmD program at UW–Madison. Many of these are virtual, allowing greater access to interested students around the world. However, there’s nothing like an in-person experience. If you’d like a face-to-face conversation, we’d love to have you visit us at the School of Pharmacy.
January 22: An Inside Look Into the UW–Madison Doctor of Pharmacy Program: Scholars in Pharmacy, Individualized Learning (virtual) — The last in a 3-part series, this session explains how PharmD students are able to customize their learning experiences and bolster their resumes within the program. REGISTER
February 9:
PharmD Information Session (virtual) — Get a general overview of the UW–Madison PharmD program, including application and admissions, curriculum options, and post-graduate outcomes. REGISTER
February 17:
Mock Interview Session (virtual) — Intended for students interested in applying to our PharmD program this cycle or next, these sessions give applicants the opportunity to prepare for their interview with current PharmD students. This is thelast mock interview session of the academic year. REGISTER
March 5:
Pharmacist Career Exploration Day (in-person) — This session is in-person event is a great opportunity to hear directly from practicing pharmacists, faculty, and students about the wide variety of exciting pharmacy career paths.. REGISTER
If you have any questions about the above events then please be sure to contact Lindsey DeCarlo,
lindsey.decarlo@wisc.edu Lindsey DeCarlo
Pronouns: she, her, hers
PharmD Recruitment and Event Coordinator | Student & Academic Affairs
School of Pharmacy | University of Wisconsin – Madison
2220 Rennebohm Hall | 777 Highland Avenue | Madison, WI 53705
P: (608) 263-4860 | F: (608) 262-3943 |
5. A Mid-Winter’s Day Garden Series Starts January 22 with Friends of Allen Centennial Gardens
Allen Centennial Garden, in partnership with the Friends of Allen Centennial Gardens, offers an annual Saturday morning winter program series during January and February on garden-related topics for ACG Friends and volunteers as well as the general public. Last year’s programs were virtual, and we will be using that format again in early 2022. There is a $10/session fee, but they are free for the Friends and volunteers. To register go to allencentenialgarden.wisc.edu.
Jane Cramer
Friends of Allen Centennial Gardens
6. UniverCity Alliance (UCA) is partnering with the American Geophysical Union through its “Thriving Earth Exchange” program to launch in April 2022 the next cohort of community science projects in Wisconsin.
#1: Help us find projects in Wisconsin communities. We need local or regional governments, tribal governments, community-based organizations, grassroots organizations and other advocacy or non-profit groups to let us know what geotechnical projects keep them up at night. We will share these projects with local and national experts who can help formulate solutions with your community. Encourage your community to apply by March 1 to join the April 2022 community science project cohort!
#2: Help us find people who can manage the projects: We need volunteer Community Science Fellows to be the glue that holds the project team together by serving as project managers, facilitators and connectors. They represent cohort of people from all backgrounds and career stages interested in growing their practice of community science while guiding project from idea to impact. Apply by March 1 to be a Community Science Fellow!
In addition to projects from Wisconsin communities, we’re looking for people who may be interested in volunteering to manage the projects. These Community Science Fellows don’t necessarily have to have a background in science and could be folks with great project management, facilitator and connector skills.
There’s more information on our website
here, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. If you’re able to share this with anyone who might be interested, that would be great!
Abby Becker
It’s official! The Wonders of Physics shows will be performed during Science Expeditions this year. The risks are just too high right now (when we need to be rehearsing) to be able to put on the show in February. We will be sending out an email to our list of 6500+ subscribers this week announcing the change as well as highlighting Science Expeditions taking place on the same weekend. Another email will be sent to the same list in late February or early March alerting people that tickets sales are open.
We will do four shows inside Chamberlin, in room 2103, but also hope to livestream them as well. The shows will be 1pm and 4pm on 4/9 & 4/10. The Physics Fair is moving to 4/9 from 11am-4pm as well.
Haddie McLean (she/her)
Outreach Specialist-Wonders of Physics
UW-Madison Physics Department
Free tickets for the Wonders of Physics are recommended and are available after January 1st using the
On-Line Ticket Form.
Come to 2103 Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Avenue, Madison, WI.
The Wonders of Physics Shows last a bit over an hour and are suitable for all ages.
The Physics Fair is an annual Department of Physics open house that includes laboratory tours, hands-on demonstrations, activities for kids and families, and informal conversations with scientists. It is presented alongside the Wonders of Physics annual show, and is held in Chamberlin Hall. No tickets or RSVP is required for the Physics Fair.
The 2022 Physics Fair is now re-scheduled from February 12 to Saturday, April 9 from 11am – 4pm in Chamberlin Hall as part of UW Science Expeditions.
8. Share Your Science with Necedah’s “Cardinal After School” by Zoom on Tuesdays throughout the coming spring semester. Starting on Tuesday February 1 and weekly thereafter,
choose a Tuesday to share your science by zoom from 4:00-4:30pm for grades for middle school and high school; 4:30 to 5:00 for grades 3-5. It’s a good way to share existing activities, as well as to invite the students to help you prototype & hone new activities you’re developing. Contact Liz Jesse (
ejesse2@wisc.edu) or Tom Zinnen (
zinnen@biotech.wisc.edu) for questions or suggestions. Sign up at the spreadsheet
9. Events from the Wisconsin Energy InstituteRegister Now for the 2022 WI KidWind Challenge!The KidWind Challenge is a hands-on wind turbine design competition that engages middle and high school students from across Wisconsin in STEM through the lens of wind energy. Student teams bring small-scale wind turbines to the challenge, test them in a wind tunnel, meet with a panel of expert judges to present their design process, tackle instant challenge activities, and explore green careers.
The 2022 WI KidWind Challenge will take place on
Saturday, February 26th at the Discovery Building at the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus. Learn more and register your teams by January 14th
KidWind Coaches’ Happy Hours: Preparing for the 2022 KidWind Challenge or looking to learn more? Join us for a happy hour to chat with other coaches and share ideas. KidWind advisors and organizers will be on hand to answer your questions – from engineering and design tips and tricks, to FAQ about the registration process and what to expect on Challenge Day. Come for the whole hour or just a portion and BYO beverage of choice. January 13, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Central.
REGISTER for the January 13 Happy Hour
Allison Bender
Outreach Coordinator – Wisconsin Energy Institute | Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
agbender@wisc.edu1552 University Ave, Madison WI, Room 2160 University of Wisconsin–Madison
Saturday, January 15. Full Moon Night Walk. 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 16. Nature Hike. 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 23. Garden Stroll. 1 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 30. Nature Hike. 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 5. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Wingra Oak Savanna.
Meet at Arbor Drive parking lot, off Monroe Street. 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Sunday, February 6. Nature Hike. 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 12. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Core Area and Curtis Prairie. Meet at the Visitor Center.
9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Saturday, February 12. Full Moon Night Walk. 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 13. Family Nature Walk. 1 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 19. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Grady Tract.
Meet at Grady Tract parking lot (SE corner, Seminole Highway &West Beltline Frontage Rd).
9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Sunday, February 20. Nature Hike. 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 26. Ecological Restoration Work Party: Core Area and Curtis Prairie.
Meet at the Visitor Center. 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Sunday, February 27. Garden Stroll. 1 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
11. Events from Madison Friends of Urban NatureQuick Calendar of January Naturalist-guided Madison FUN Outings. See above for details.
“Favorite Bird Stories” Wed Jan 19, 10am Senior Bird and Nature Adventure with Master Naturalist Paul Noeldner, register 608-222-3415
“Otter Sledding Party” Sat Jan 15, 10am at Olbrich Park Sled Hill with Master Naturalist Alex Singer
“The Art of Winter” Sun Jan 16, 1:30pm at Warner Park Rainbow Shelter with Master Naturalist Kathlean Wolf
“What Critters Do” Sat Jan 22, 10am at Edna Taylor/Aldo Leopold Nature Center with ALNC Naturalist Melissa Kesling
“Winter Woody Plant ID” Sat Jan 22, 1:30pm at Pheasant Branch Creek with Master Naturalist Eva Roos
“Winter Wonderland” Sun Jan 23, 1:30pm at UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve with Master Naturalist Paul Noeldner
12. Edgewood College to Host Science Olympiad Madison Regional Tournament on Saturday February 5
The 2021-22 TENTATIVE Science Olympiad Regional Tournament Date is 2/05/22 for the Madison Regional Competition.
Edgewood College hosts the Madison Regional Science Olympiad competition each year in February. In 2022, the event will be held on Saturday, February 5th, if it is deemed safe to do so by the College, given where the country will stand at that time in regards to Covid.
Teams from South Central Wisconsin compete at Edgewood for seats at the Wisconsin State Tournament. About 150 gifted, talented, and enthusiastic high school students converge on the Sonderegger Science Center to showcase their accomplishments in science, engineering, and technology. The competition is intense yet friendly and everyone leaves a winner.
If you are interested in joining Science Olympiad or volunteering at the Edgewood Regional, please contact Jeanne Benink, Edgewood College Program Coordinator for Science Outreach, at
13. Beaver Dam Arts & Peony Festival on June 4, 10am to 5pm is looking for youth activities.
Location: Ovan’s Peony Farm, Beaver Dam
Partners include Mill House Quilts, and New Sewing with Nancy Store.
They expect about 500 people to come through.
If interested in providing an Exploration Station in science or the arts, please reach out to Fran Puleo fpuleo@wisc.edu
Fran Puleo Moyer
Assistant Director of Outreach ProgramsUW Connects
University of Wisconsin-Madisonfran.puleo@wisc.edu | 920.296.0546
1308 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53715uwconnects.wisc.edu
14. Teaching & Learning with Wisconsin Fast Plants!
Happy New Year! We’re here to help support teaching & learning in schools, after schools & youth groups!
Could you use help finding Open Source resources for teaching with Fast Plants?
Would you like to talk about lighting options for growing healthy Fast Plants in your classroom situation? We are here to help!
Our purpose at the Wisconsin Fast Plants Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison is providing outreach support to teachers and researchers who use Fast Plants as a model organism.
Here are just a few examples of 2021 outreach that was part of our daily work in the Fast Plants Program:
• Shared one-on-one consultation with a community college professor who is designing a new botany course for non-biology majors.
• Prepared and facilitated mini-workshops for teaching with and about models using Fast Plants, given during AP Biology Institutes.
• Shared and discussed via email with many teachers ways to interpret their Fast Plants’ growth and development.
• Offered webinars to support data management, statistical analyses and Open Source lesson plans.
• Worked with teachers to convert classroom Fast Plants investigations to remote-learning investigations.
So remember, if you:
• would like a second opinion about how your Fast Plants are growing,
• need assistance finding resources (e.g. lesson plans, handouts, research papers, etc.) or
• want help preparing materials for growing healthy Fast Plants,
• would like feedback about when to harvest seed for successful selection investigations,
• have any question about Fast Plants:
just send us an email.
Please include in your email information about your investigation, growing conditions, learning goals, and a photo of your plants (if relevant).
We hope to hear from you!
15. More from Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature