- Welcome
- Updates
- Outlook for public programs for adults and for children in Summer 2021
- Review of current public programs open to the public on campus
- Science Expeditions Campus-wide Open House: Updates
- Other announcements or topics
- Family Gardening Day Online continues throughout May at https://science.wisc.edu/family-gardening-day/
- The UW Now Livestream. May 4 at 7 pm with Sarah Condella, senior vice president of human resources at Exact Sciences; and
Summer Rector, vice president of human resources consulting at The QTI Group - Badger Talks Live: – https://www.facebook.com/UWConnects/live & https://badgertalks.wisc.edu/events/ Tuesday, May, Noon CT: “80 Years at Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center” with Justin Hougham, Associate Professor, Division of Extension
- Virtual Saturday Science Workshop with UW Space Place. Most Saturdays at 10:00am. Check at http://www.spaceplace.wisc.edu/#satworkshops.
- Family Gardening Days continue online throughout the month of May: https://science.wisc.edu/family-gardening-day/
- Check for other events presented online and available to all at http://today.wisc.edu/events/tag/science
4. Upcoming Lineup for Wednesday Nite @ The Lab online by zoom starting at 7pm Central.
Register at go.wisc.edu/240r59 Schedule and descriptions at https://science.wisc.edu/wednesday-nite-at-the-lab
Why are we doing this?
After 37 years of physics presentations to the public, The University of Wisconsin – Madison is this year sponsoring a physics video competition for teachers and students.
We invite you to submit a 2-minute video demonstrating a physics concept. Awards will be given for the best videos, and winners will be posted on our website and edited into a longer video to be shown on public television.
We encourage submissions from students and teams, but for legal reasons, anyone under the age of 18 must work under the supervision of a parent, guardian, or teacher who will submit the video on their behalf. This could be a fun educational project for families or for physics classes during this period of social distancing.
The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2021. You can find more information at https://wonders.physics.wisc.edu/contest/.
5/10 at 9 pm The Dear Pandemic Project at One Year
(and 8:00 am) Malia Jones, Applied Population Lab, UW-Madison
5/24 at 9 pm Violence And Warfare In Humanity’s Past
(and 8:00 am) Nam Kim, Department of Anthropology, UW-Madison