Special Edition of WN@tL: “The Serengeti Rules” & Conversation with film-maker Sean Carroll

For the Special Monday Edition of Wednesday Nite @ The Lab:  February 15, 2021

Please share this missive with your friends & neighbors. 

By Zoom or YouTube, beginning at 7:00pm Central.  

*See below for special links for our Darwin Days events.

If you would like to join the weekly email missives, please send an email to wednesday-nite-at-the-lab+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu


Hi WN@TL Fans,

A quick reminder about the two WN@TL events this week that are part of UW-Madison’s Darwin Days celebration.

Note:  please use the direct links listed below this week, rather than the usual WN@TL registration.

  1. For Monday February 15, we invite you to join the Darwin Days zoom at 7:00 pm CT for a short introduction, then watch online The Serengeti Rules, & then join us for film-maker Sean Carroll’s Q&A at 8:00 pm.

Zoom registration: https://go.wisc.edu/tgpp7j

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/-h_Mt96QRoA

*Please note:  The Zoom will open at 7PM for a short introduction, and then we invite audience members to watch The Serengeti Rules directly at https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/the-serengeti-rules-41dfru/20105/  rather than through zoom screen share.

The Serengeti Rules is free and no registration required at the pbs.org site.

Then return to the WN@TL/Darwin Days Zoom chat, when film-maker Sean Carroll will join the Zoom at 8:00 PM for a Q&A until 8:30PM Central.

  1. For Wednesday February 17 & the panel on “The Co-evolution of Mammals and Microbes” would you please use one of these links?

Zoom registration: https://go.wisc.edu/77qbzd

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/X2T3BqN4HSw


I’ll send the regular WN@TL missive Tuesday night.

Thanks again!

Tom Zinnen