Come see Science Spectaculars at the 10th Annual UW-Madison’s Science Expeditions on April 14, 2012 located at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Town Center (330 Orchard Street) and our 20+ Satellite Venues across campus! Keep checking in for updates!
View & Print your own timetable. Note: This opens a PDF in a new window.
View & Print your own map of all the satellite venues and Trolley Stops. Note: This opens a PDF in a new window.
Exploration Stations
10am-2pm Exploration Stations at Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Town Center (330 North Orchard)
Science Spectaculars
10am-10:45am Wonders of Physics presented by Mike Randall at Chamberlin Hall, Room 2103 (1150 University Avenue)
11am-11:45am Fusion Science Theater presented by SPICE at WID Town Center (330 North Orchard Street)
12-12:45pm Astrophotography presented by John Rummel at Biotechnology Center, Room 1111 (425 Henry Mall)
1pm-1:45pm Should Pluto Be a Planet? presented by John Rummel at Biotechnology Center, Room 1111 (425 Henry Mall)
1pm-1:45pm Fusion Science Theater presented by SPICE at WID Town Center (330 North Orchard Street)
2pm-2:45pm Chemistry Show presented by SPICE at Chemistry Building Room 1351 (1101 University Avenue)**Please use the Mills Street Entrance
2pm-3pm Dinosauria presented by Don Pfister and Lisa Zago-Martin at Biochemistry, Room 1125 (420 Henry Mall)
2:30pm-3:15pm Wonders of Physics presented by Mike Randall at Chamberlin Hall, Room 2103 (1150 University Avenue)
3:15pm-4pm Chemistry Show presented by SPICE at Chemistry Building (1101 University Avenue)
Satellite Venues–See our Open House page for more info on the tours and some Satellite Venues.
Dawn-Dusk Allen Centennial Gardens (620 Babcock Drive)
Dawn-Dusk Arboretum Grounds (1207 Seminole Highway)
12:30pm-4pm Visitor Center
Dawn-Dusk Botanical Gardens (University Avenue)
9am-4pm Geology Museum (1215 West Dayton Street)
9am-4pm Chamberlin Hall (1150 University Avenue)
9am-4pm Chemistry Building (1101 University Avenue)
9:30am-5pm Madison Children’s Museum (100 North Hamilton Street) (admission charged)
10am-4pm Genetics-Biotechnology Center (425 Henry Mall)
10am-2pm Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences (1225 West Dayton Street)
10am-2pm Birge Hall (430 Lincoln Drive)
10am-2pm Microbe Place at Microbial Sciences Building (1550 Linden Drive)
See the Ant Cam!
10am-2pm Science Hall (550 North Park Street)
10am-2pm Stock Pavilion (1675 Linden Drive) ***Come see the Live Animals!
10am-4pm DC Smith Greenhouse (465 Babcock Drive)
10am-4pm Science House (1645 Linden Drive)
10am-4pm Zoological Museum (250 North Mills Street) (4th floor of Noland Zoology Building)
10am-10pm Steenbock Library (550 Babcock Drive)**Outreach Kiosk is 10am-3pm
11am-3pm Biochemical Sciences (440 Henry Mall) ***Biochemistry Outreach Day
11am-4pm Ingersoll Physics Museum in Chamberlin Hall (1150 University Avenue)
11am-5pm Babcock Hall Dairy Store (1605 Linden Drive)
11am-5pm Chazen Museum of Art (750 University Avenue)
12noon-4pm Primate Center Learning Lobby (1220 Capitol Court)
4:30pm-6pm Dairy Cattle Center, Afternoon Milking (1815 West Linden Drive)
Scheduled Guided Tours–See our Open House page for more info on the tours and satellite Venues
Botany Greenhouses at Birge Hall (430 Lincoln Drive)
Mo Fayyaz, Greenhouse Director, will give tours at 10:00, 10:45, 11:30, 12:15, 1:00, 1:45.
CAVE at Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (330 North Orchard Street)
Sign up for tours at the Information Desk in WID.
Chazen Art Museum (750 University Avenue)
11:30am and 1pm: Art and Science Meet at the Chazen: Conservation
1pm and 2:15pm: Bountiful Beauty: Fruit in Art
Genetics–Biotechnology Center (425 Henry Mall)
11 and 11:30: Meet at the DNA Fountain in the Atrium at 425 Henry Mall
Rapid Prototyping Lab Tours at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (330 North Orchard Street)
Meet at the front desk on the hour and half hour between 11-1 for tours.
The tour takes approximately 20 minutes. George Petry of the Rapid Prototyping lab will greet groups from 1-20 people.
No sign up is required!
Science Hall (550 North Park Street)
Map Library Tours
Relief Map Tour 11am-11:30am
Town Center at Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (330 North Orchard Street)
Tours at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM.
Wisconsin Energy Institute (under construction) corner of University Avenue and Campus Drive; meet John Greenler at the University Ave Entrance of the Engineering Centers Building, 1561 University Ave, at 11:00AM and 1:00PM.